
Thomas Buizel Poochyena: Ch.52

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There was a tiny shack building that came into my view as Sasuke continued to carry me and Naruto to it after our scuffle. It was funny for anyone near us to see a Buizel carrying a Poochyena in one arm and a Pikachu in another. It was kind of fun, yet embarrassing. But as we got close, Sasuke put us both down and gave us a clever glare.

"All right, you two; I don't want you guys to cause any trouble or to act like you just did, okay?" Sasuke said when he smirked.

"Yeah, Thomas, did you hear him?" Naruto teased me as he nuzzled me with a giggle.

"Hopefully clearer than you did," I teased back to him, causing him to playfully growl at me with a grin.

We suddenly felt a paw grab us around our necks and result into a pair of headlocks. I could hear Naruto growl and laugh as I opened my eyes to see Sasuke having us trapped with a sigh. He had a face of great patience as he scratched our chins. I have to say… that was amazing. I loved it… Sasuke's paws scratching my chin caused me to somehow surrender control of my body to him. I could feel my left leg starting to twitch and stomp the ground repeatedly.  My arms went limp as I grunted in pleasure. At the time, I didn't know that Naruto was licking repeatedly and his right hind leg started itching his torso over and over again in response.

"Now… are we gonna behave?" Sasuke asked smiling.

"Yeeeeeeees…" Naruto said with a smile as his eyes rolled up in the back of his head in pleasure.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaah…" I managed to say as I rested my head into his side.

"Good. Now, I'm gonna let go. Let's hurry to the shack," Sasuke said as he stopped scratching us and continued to the shack.

As Naruto and I regained our composure, we eventually got to a yellow and white building that had several seats with a counter that look like a bar back at Kilyla City. (The only reason I know that was because Old Man Fellows went to buy some wine for a holiday he and some adults were celebrating, and I accompanied him. Trust me; I don't drink.) Behind the counter was a male Infernape cooking noodles. He was accompanied by a female Flaafy cleaning the counters.

"That's Infernape and Flaafy. They're a couple who runs this Ramen Shack," Sasuke told me.

"They make the best ramen in the entire world!" Naruto said, wagging his tail happily.

Upon hearing Naruto's joyful remark, Flaafy looked up and saw us. She immediately smiled with happiness and turned to her husband.

"Honey, Naruto and Sasuke are here for ramen! And they brought somebody new!" she said.

The Infernape turned around with excitement in a tornado-style fashion and said, "Sasuke! Naruto! How are you doing, my little buddies?"

"Great, Infernape!" Naruto cheerfully said as he jumped into one of the seats and sat down, "We're just got done with a cool rescue mission!"

"Oh, really? You finally were able to go on an official rescue mission?" Infernape said smiling as he put in a new batch of noodles.

"Yeah, and we're really hungry!" Naruto said, with his tongue out.

"Well, we're always happy to serve our two best customers," Flaafy said, obviously referring to my brothers as she then looked at me, "So, who's your new friend?"

"Well, after an incident with a recent Monster House, we adopted him and brought him here to live with us. This is Thomas, our new little brother," Sasuke said as both he and Naruto sat proudly smiling.

"Hello, nice to meet you," I said smiling as I nodded.

"Well, if that means you're new here, then you haven't lived until you've tried some of our noodles!" Infernape said proudly, "We got the best ramen in the world! I'm excited for you to try it for the first time! Go ahead and tell me what flavor you want. I'll start making it."

I looked up at the menu and was secretly surprised at how many flavors there were. No offense to you Pokémon, but I'm not used to Pokémon knowing how to make human food and so many flavors. I'm not being mean; it's just it's kinda weird to see a creature that's used to eating Pokéfood from a bowl on the floor know how to make something a human would make in a college dorm kitchen.

Upon seeing the flavor I wanted, I sat next to Naruto's right side, as Sasuke sat on his other, and said, "I guess I'll try to chicken flavor ramen."

"Oh, wow. Nobody has ordered that in months," Flaafy said, "but I know you'll love it! And what will you boys have?"

"The usual; I'll have the oriental flavor ramen with extra corn in it, please," Sasuke said.

"And I'll have the miso ramen with extra BBQ pork! Lots of it!" Naruto said, licking his lips and wagging his tail.

"Could you make that two orders of the miso flavor? Same amount of BBQ pork," we heard a gentle older voice say.

We all looked to the right to see a Machoke come into the shack. He was very young, but something about the air around him made him seem wise, mature, and important. All the other people except me widened their eyes in shock and smiled.

"Bless my soul! Machoke, leader of Team Champ in our shack! Of course, we'll get all four of your orders ready as quickly as possible!" Infernape said as he and Flaafy enthusiastically prepared our ramen.

Machoke looked over at us and said, "Ah, Sasuke, Naruto. It's a pleasure to see you again. Have you two been effectively training for the Rescue Team Exams?"

"Oh, like you wouldn't believe. I'm so pumped to be a part of this year's exams!" Naruto said cheerfully, "And I heard you're gonna be a proctor for this year and help with the second stage!"

"If we're lucky," Sasuke chuckled with a smile, "maybe we can get you as our proctor."

"Ha-ha, you would think so, wouldn't you?" Machoke laughed out loud and said, "But I'm afraid I won't be pulling any punches this year. I can't go easy, just because you're my friends. It wouldn't be fair for the others taking it for you to get a free pass."

Hmm… second proctor… did that mean the Rescue Team Exams were more than just a written test and had more than one stage? I wondered how intense it would be. If Naruto and Sasuke trained to get this good, and I am taking it with them… would I possibly drag them down?

"Well, you're a new face around these parts, young man," I was snapped out of my thinking with Machoke talking to me, "I take it you're new here?"

"Yes, I am, sir," I said, trying to be polite and not saying anything I'm not supposed to.

"This is our adopted little brother, Thomas," Sasuke introduced with a smile as Naruto watched his meal being cooked, almost drooling.

Suddenly, Machoke was silent and nodded, looking back at me. Sasuke and I took big notice of this; he suddenly changed his mood upon hearing my name. Did I do something wrong that made my name associated badly? However, this pondering was cut off this time by Flaafy bringing us our bowls of ramen as she and Infernape smiled.

"We hope you enjoy them!" she said.

"All right!!" Naruto said cheering, "I can't wait to dig in!!"

Now the first two thoughts that popped into my head about Naruto came right around this point. First one was one that I had been wondering since I took them into my house; how much can that Poochyena eat? I chose not to mention it to you all at first, but now I decided to take it into consideration. Naruto eats so much, I'm surprised he isn't a Munchlax. I'm being honest here; he eats more than that Pokémon can. He's always hungry and yet he never gains weight or goes to the bathroom for a long time. Honestly, my older brother surprises me to no end.

And then the second thought is this; you usually eat ramen with chopsticks, correct? I'm sitting there with him and Sasuke and I watch as he reaches for a pair. And now as Machoke, Sasuke, and I reach for a pair, I'm thinking what you're probably might be starting to; how on earth is a POOCHYENA (WHO HAS PAWS BY THE WAY) going to hold a pair of chopsticks and use them effectively? It turns out what he does is he sticks the chopsticks in between two of his toes and then somehow uses them like it's second nature. I blinked and flinched at the sight as Machoke and Sasuke ate theirs.

"Naruto, doesn't that hurt?" I asked in disbelief.

"Oh, no," he said as he slowly slurped his first bite of ramen and dove into the BBQ pork.

"He's been using them like that since he was able to know what they were at six years of age," Sasuke said happily, "So you have nothing to worry ab- Naruto! Slow down! You're gonna choke on your food!"

Naruto turned to him with a mouthful of ramen (some of them hanging out of his mouth) and said, "Whmmf dmd ymmm smmy?"

I began to join with the laughter of the Ramen Shack owners as Sasuke shook his head and buried his face in his paws, saying, "Oh, never mind. Just eat your bowl."

I felt bad for Sasuke; don't get me wrong. I love Naruto with all my heart, but who knows how many days that Buizel had to endure and go through this kind of stuff. I shook my head and watched as Naruto just shrugged and went back to slurping and eating his food. I went back to eating my ramen. As I ate my first bite, I was shocked; THIS WAS AWESOME!! I never had such good ramen before! It was even better than my mo- … Um… nobody heard that, okay? Just ignore that last comment.

But anyways, I remember myself saying out loud, "This is amazing! I love it!"

"Ha-ha! Seems we got another customer pleased at the Ramen Shack, sweetheart!" Infernape said proudly as he rubbed his nose and Flaafy nodded with a smile.

"Isn't it the best!?" Naruto said excitedly, barely gulping down a whole piece of pork he shoved into his mouth and causing Sasuke to chuckle.

"Yeah, it's really good," I said with a smile as I went back to eating my delicious meal. (I bet you're getting hungry; good, that's why I'm doing this to you. Hehe…)

However, my attention was caught from eating when Machoke said, "So, you're Thomas, right?"

"Yes, sir," I said as I looked at him.

"Hmm… does that mean you're THE Thomas that Whiscash Elder told me about?" he asked.

I don't know whether to say I felt dread, concern, or pride, but I can say for a fact I felt chills up my spine when I heard that. I mean, Machoke seemed like a good guy, but the way he said it made me feel like I was in DEEP trouble; the kind of deep trouble that would make a kid wish he could stay longer at school when he got a detention or worse. Luckily, both my brothers immediately looked up and tuned into the conversation.

"Wait, Whiscash Elder told you about Thomas?" Sasuke asked, "Is he in trouble?"

"Oh, not at all," Machoke said with a comforting smile, "I'm not really supposed to be talking about it… but Whiscash Elder called the leaders of the 5 top Rescue Teams except Lucario and A.C.T to keep a close eye out on Thomas. According to him, you impressed him by standing up for Caterpie, fulfilling your promise of saving him, and even breaking the rules to save Zev. I must say; even I'm interested in him."

I rubbed the back of my head as I closed my eyes, smiling with a blush to match. Naruto nudged me with a grin.

"How about that? The first day you're here, and you already got the Elder of the Square's eye on you," he said with pride, "You must be really special; it's rare for him to pay a LOT of attention to a specific Pokémon."

"Also, it must be very special if he tells the best Rescue Teams to watch you from behind the scenes," Sasuke added as he smirked.

"So, Thomas," Machoke said and gained my attention, "Keep doing what you're doing. We'll be watching."

"Okay, sir," I said with a grin.

"Aw, man! I ate all of it!" Naruto said in a pouting manner as he looked at his bowl, which had only flavored water left in it.

"That's what you get for not slowing down when you eat," Sasuke said, folding his arms after finishing his bowl, "I'm not surprised that your stomach is a black hole."

"But it's just so good… can I have another bowl, bro? Please?" Naruto begged him with the cute look he gave me back at the house.

"Are you serious? After eating that much BBQ pork in your ramen!? You're gonna freaking puke when we get home!" Sasuke exclaimed, causing me to laugh when I had a mouthful of noodles and even Machoke to chuckle a bit.

"No, I won't! I promise! Please? PLEASE?" Naruto whimpered and snuggled into Sasuke.

I snickered and smirked at Sasuke; HAHA! Now he gets to feel what it's like on the other end of the cute look! I watched him slowly start to give in as Naruto licked his face cutely and panted, wagging his tail. The Buizel tried to look away, but like I said, it's hard to ignore a cute look. I watched close his eyes and grit his teeth.

"Nnnnnnngh... Ahhhhh, okay," Sasuke said with a smile as he rolled his eyes.

"YAY!!" Naruto happily cheered as Flaafy giggled and took his bowl for a refill.

"Sasuke, I'll make it easier on you; I'll make reorders for you four free today, courtesy of your younger brother," Infernape said nodding to me.

"ALL RIGHT!!" Naruto exclaimed as us four customers smiled, "I'm gonna eat A LOT OF RAMEN AND BBQ PORK NOW!!"

"Oh, no you don't! One more bowl; that's it," Sasuke said, being rewarded by Naruto giving him a look that either said "Don't be a fun spoiler" or "I'm still gonna eat more whether you like it or not".

"Heh, you got two interesting brothers, Thomas," Machoke said, grinning, "You're bound to have one huge adventure with them."

I grinned and laughed at that comment. Machoke was a great guy. I liked him from the get-go. He seemed to be someone that I could view as an older parent. It was then I started thinking about what he said in terms of Whiscash Elder. I must admit; I did a lot in one day. Challenge the Elder of the town, make quite a statement, argue with Lucario and Batsu, almost get into a fight with King… and that's not even the half of it yet. But so many names went through my head of people I knew; Batsu… King… Zev… Zeke… Zoey… Machoke… and Caterpie… I knew that if I had made this big of a performance on my first day here, that I would be in for one heck of a life in my new home, in which by now I hope so far you're enjoying my story.

Well, as they snack down on the best ramen ever, the trio meets the leader of Team Champ, Machoke, who informs them that Whiscash Elder is watchig Thomas. Only time will tell if this is good or bad!

I know this is late, but Merry Christmas! ^^ I felt this had to get shared and I'm really excited to be doing this story. Over 350 views on the last chapter! THANKS A BUNCH!! ^^

Zoey belongs to :icondracobuizel:

Zeke belongs to :iconmalfunit:

Pokemon is (c) by Nintendo.


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© 2011 - 2024 MrAwesomeMatty
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Asyllumm's avatar
Chicken flavor and pork? Well, the carnivorous Pokemon have to eat though I wonder how they get the meat in a town that houses hundreds of different Pokemon species without offending- ah who cares. Great Story so far!