
Thomas Buizel Poochyena: Ch.36

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My heart fluttered with happiness. I smiled at them. I mean, if we remember, I mentioned that the bond between us was a brotherly bond. Now… these two made it a reality. I had a family again. I had two older brother who loved me and care about me. They smiled at me. It made me so excited just to be with them now that I heard that.

"We'll explain," Sasuke said, "After all that happened up to that point, we wanted to show you how we felt about you. So, we decided to draw you a picture."

"The picture you showed that night I came back from the carnival," I said.

"Yes," Naruto nodded and continued, "When we showed it to you, we could tell you loved it. And when you told us you loved us back, we decided to stay with you. We loved you and never wanted to leave your side."

"That whole month you spent with us made our love for you grow," Sasuke added, "You tickled us, snuggled us, nursed us to health from sickness and injuries, and many other things. We had never felt so loved."

I nodded as I heard Naruto say, "Then fast-forwarding to the night we snuggled in your bed before we left the island, we both knew that soon, our two months on the human world would be over. But if that happened, we would leave you behind on the human world. We didn't want to go away from you."

Sasuke then added, "So, late that night, when you were asleep… we met with Jirachi in your room."

"Jirachi was in my room!? No way!!" I said out loud.

I couldn't believe it. A Legendary Pokémon showed up in my room… WHEN I WAS SLEEPING!? That was so not fair… yet again I did get to see him the following night, so I can't complain.

"We asked him," Sasuke said, "if you could come with us to the Pokémon world. We begged and pleaded Jirachi to just please give us one more wish. And to our surprise, he said he'd grant it on one condition."

"And that was?" I asked.

"You had to accept the wish," Naruto said smiling, "and you did! When you told us you wanted to be like us and be connected, we knew that you were gonna be our brother!"

Sasuke smiled and added, "And from that moment on, we knew that for the rest of your life, you were gonna be our brother."

I smiled and felt warmth in my heart. I could feel myself smile in happiness and have my heart lifted up. I smirked and watched my brothers slowly come over and hugged me. I smiled and snuggled into them as they giggled.

"So, welcome to your new life, brother!" both of them exclaimed with grins and snuggled me closer.

I laughed with them and snuggled them back. I felt so energized! So great! I loved being hugged like this! I was so excited! I couldn't wait to live my new life as a Pokémon!

"I'm so thrilled to have this chance!" I told them.

"Well, we have tons of things to do today," Sasuke told me as we all broke the hug, "We gotta go into town today."

"Town?" I blinked, "You live in a town?"

"Actually, yeah," Naruto said, "It's a place called Pokémon Square. In fact, our base lives on the west edge of town."

"Base?" I said, looking around, "Does that mean this building is your rescue team base?"

"Yep!" Naruto barked happily.

"Today, we gotta go into town for a few errands. And we'd like for you to come with us so you can get used to your new home," Sasuke said.

"Me? Go into town?" I asked, with a blush.

"Yeah, we need to go do some things; we need to fix some things of ours and get you used to the Pokémon world," Naruto said.

I asked, "But there are so many things to learn… like… how do I attack? How do I function as a Pokémon? How do I-?"

"Calm down," Poochyena nuzzled my neck, giving me that warm feeling, "We'll teach you everything about being a Pokémon. So, let's get going, shall we?"

It was then that Sasuke's paw gently placed on Naruto's back. The puppy looked back at the otter and blinked in confusion.

"Hang on, Naruto," he said, "There's a couple things Thomas needs to know first."

My ears perked up at that statement as Sasuke leaned closer to me. He gently placed both of his paws on my shoulders. Naruto watched in a confused manner. I just stared back into Sasuke's eyes which had gotten serious. I blinked and watched him slowly getting closer to me.

"Thomas, you listen to me very closely and perfectly clear," he said to me in a serious tone, "DO NOT TELL ANYONE AT ALL THAT YOU ARE A HUMAN OR THAT YOU KNOW THINGS OF THE HUMAN WORLD."

I was a bit shocked hearing my brother sound so serious and demanding. I had never seen him act so serious before. Then again, I babied him and Naruto for a while. Maybe that's why. But now as me being his little brother and transitioning from a brand new time and world, I could see a different side of Sasuke. I was amazed at him and stared at him.

"Thomas? Did you hear me?" he asked.

"Yes," I said and nodded, "I'm just shocked a bit. I've never heard or seen you like this."

Sasuke grinned and said, "That's because I care about you. Now that you're in our world, it's my and Naruto's responsibility to protect you and teach you about the Pokémon world."

"So, why do I have to not tell about who I am?" I asked.

Sasuke answered with a serious face, "Because the human world is a myth here. And we just told you the legend. So, if people learned that you were a human…"

"Oh, I get it," I said nodding.

It's clear now. If I were to say that I was human, the Pokémon of this world would become afraid of me. Not only that, but some would even try to claim I was this cursed human and then could try to attack me. I don't need that… really, I know what you're thinking: It's gonna happen, right? Well, at the time I hoped not; plus, that's a spoiler, you impatient people, you. Wait like the rest of them and read the dang story.

Naruto walked over to us and snuggled into Sasuke, who chuckled. The puppy licked his brother's face and made him smile. Both of them looked at me as Sasuke continued.

"So, now you know why you cannot tell anybody who you REALLY are," he said.

"But what if someone asks me about who I am?" I asked, "I can't just ignore them, but I don't wanna lie to their faces."

"Don't worry," Naruto said cheerfully, "We got it all taken care of. If anybody asks, Sasuke and I have made the perfect story for you."

"You can tell them your first name and how old you are," Sasuke said, "But what your last name is, where you came from, meeting Jirachi, and anything else are off-limits. Do you understand?"

I nodded as he said, "Good. Now, let's hurry into town. We need to take care of our errands."

We all then stood up, getting ready to leave. However, something didn't feel right when I put a foot forward to walk. I suddenly felt my body sway in unbalance. I sort of shrieked in shock as I fell forward to the ground. I hit the ground so hard, it caused my brothers to turn around in shock. I heard their little footsteps run to me and felt a puppy head and two orange arms pick me up.

"Thomas!" Naruto said, "Are you okay?"

"Ow…. Yeah, but something's wrong with my body," I answered, rubbing my face where it hit the floor.

Sasuke chuckled and said, "It's because you're not used to walking around as a Pokémon. If you have a tail, it becomes a part of your movements, Thomas."

I looked behind me at my tail and said, "You've got to be kidding me."

I couldn't believe it; now I had to have a tail to walk from now on? That wasn't fair at all; I didn't need a tail before. I tried to walk again, but I soon started to sway again. Luckily, Sasuke and Naruto were there to help me from falling.

"Hold on, brother," Naruto said, wagging his tail, "Let's help you walk around a bit first."

I was feeling a bit embarrassed by this when I felt a paw take my arm and put it over a certain Buizel's shoulder. Sasuke smiled as he helped me on my right and Naruto stayed at my left.

"Don't be ashamed; we'll help," he said to me, "Let's take it one step at a time."

With that, for about thirty minutes, we walked all around the floor inside of the base. Now I know what a baby feels like. I constantly was struggling to stay on my feet and walk straight. I felt like one of those (God bless them) veterans who had a crippling injury and were trying so hard to learn how to walk again. I struggled and panicked a few times, but my brothers were right by my side, making me feel better by aid and encouragement.

Finally after what felt like an eternity but in reality being thirty minutes like I said, I finally was able to walk normally again without anybody helping me or having difficulty. I blushed as I heard my brothers giggle at me and walk up to me.

"You got it, Thomas!" Naruto said happily, snuggling into my side and causing me to giggle.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, there are only two more things for you to know before we head out," Sasuke told me.

Naruto nodded and said, "Since we're a famous rescue team, please don't get afraid if people stare at us.  It's not you; it's us."

"Naruto! Don't say it like that!" Sasuke scolded a bit.

"I'm sorry, but that's the truth! I didn't mean to brag!" Naruto backed up and said smirking.

I giggled and saw Sasuke blush at me. He folded his arms and smirked as Naruto giggled and realized what the other thing was. He giggled and quickly hurried over to the corner of the base.

"Now, the last thing we need to tell you is that you forgot something!" he said as he bent down and picked something up with his mouth.

I suddenly smiled wide as I realized that Naruto was bringing back something in his mouth. I recognized that object and his mouth; my headband! The bold blue tie-up headband was perfectly fine and clean. I smiled as my older brother brought it to me. He smiled and wagged his tail cutely. I grinned and held the headband in my hands.

"I cannot believe it! My headband is in my hands!" I said happily.

"What, you don't remember?" Naruto said, "Jirachi told you that anything you didn't wanna lose you were supposed to give to us."

Sasuke pointed to the blanket and then to the headband, saying, "When we took it and while you were going through your change, Jirachi told us you would be put in the woods in front of our base. So, we booked it here to put your stuff inside and then ran back to help."

I nodded and smiled back at the headband. After looking at it, I slowly slipped it one and tied it in the back. It felt weird at first with my new fur pressing back against my forehead from my headband, but I soon would get used to it. I smiled proudly as my brothers giggled at me.

"What?" I asked.

Naruto smiled and said, "You look awesome! That headband looks great on you when you're a Pikachu!"

I sort of had my eye twitched when I heard that and asked with a smirk, "What are you saying; it didn't look good when I was a human?"

"Uh…" Naruto giggled nervously, trying to think of an excuse.

"Okay, enough, you two," I felt a paw place itself on my head and saw another on Naruto's as Sasuke spoke, "From now on, no more talking about Thomas as a human unless it's just us in private. Let's get into town and hurry up."

"Right!" Naruto barked.

I nodded and said, "Let's roll!"

It was then the three of us headed for the door. A part of me got knots in my stomach. Only a month and a half ago I was completely terrified of Pokémon. Now, I'm living in a world where Pokémon are the only inhabitants. They can speak and act like humans. Who knows what else they could do? But, the other part of me which was taking over was getting excited. I was about to live my life happily with my two older brothers! I couldn't wait! I grinned as the three of us stepped outside and into the world of Pokémon!

It is here, my good friends, that Thomas now will experience the world of Pokémon!! And also, it'll show the other three members in action and other people's teams who are guest-starring! ^^ Please enjoy!

Pokemon is (c) by Nintendo.


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100-percent-empoleon's avatar
YES YES YES YES YES, Mystery dungeon ftw